Colour Consultation

Get Coloured!

Colour and the right colour consultation can improve your wellbeing!
Are you planning to paint or design something new?
Learn how to use colour in your daily life and get some ideas for exterior & interior painting. Want to know more?
Get your personal colour consultation. Send your message to:

Phoebe C.
Colour Therapist & Balance Designer

How Colour works

Light & Colour

A lot of people wonder how colour works and actually affects our wellbeing. Here a quick explanation:
Light travels in a series of wavelength and frequencies.

Specific spans of wavelengths and frequencies are forming the colours we know. As a result, every colour offers its own level of warmth and brightness. This unique combination produces a specific energy and has a nutritive effect.
Light flows through our eyes. Our retina (eye) translates the information into colours and sends it to our brain where it is transformed into feelings and impulses regulating many functions of the body without us knowing.
That means colour works for or against us. It can be a reason or help if we are feeling unwell, sad or exhausted.

Colour and its healing Properties

Already the Ancient Egyptians, practised the knowledge of colours using coloured crystals for healing purposes. The crystals were e.g. applied as powder. Each illness was associated with its own colour just like emotions, feelings and actions can be associated with specific colours.
But not only crystals also plants and herbs were used for healing according to their colour.
Moreover, other ancient peoples knew about the value of colour. You can find historical traces in China, Greece and India, still presented in Ayurvedic medecine. 

(…) Officials at an estimated 1,500 hospitals and correctional institutations have become sufficiently convinced of the pacifying effect of bubble gum pink to colour at least one room in that shade.
– New York Times

The Colour Red

Warmth & Energy

The colour red belongs to the group of warm colours. It is used to treat cold conditions for example the flu. Red, with its stimulating effect will boosts courage and passion. It can assist with motivation, confidence and career aspects creating mental strength. When using this particular colour be aware that too much Red can provoke aggression and cause an exhausted feeling. It is not recommended for people with heart conditions or high blood pressure. The colour red is associated with the Base Chakra. Eating red coloured fruits or drinking red juices will strengthen the Chakra. Red Yoga mat

The Colour Orange

Relief & Excitement

The colour Orange is a warm and uplifting colour. Its activating properties are great for letting go and releasing emotions like fear. Therefore Orange is used to treat depression. The colour provides emotional warmth and can encourage friendships. With its opening character, it stimulates enthusiasm, passion and excitement. Orange helps to feel free and cope with change.
The colour should be avoided when dealing with high blood pressure.

Orange is associated with the Sacral Centre. This Chakra is situated above our lower abdomen. Eating and drinking orange fruits and vegetables can strengthen the chakra.

Yoga mat with orange

The Colour Yellow

Happiness & Confidence

The colour yellow is one of the main warm colours. We find similarities with Orange and Red.
As the colour of the sun, it is uplifting and awakening. It stimulates the mind bringing optimism, enthusiasm and happiness. The colour Yellow can be used to treat phobias reducing negative thoughts. As it stimulates the mind new ideas develop, our focus improves and self-confidence builds up.
Excessive use of the colour yellow may cause social detachment. It may overstimulate the ego resulting in self-opinionatedness.

The colour Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus which is located just above the navel. With yellow coloured fruits and vegetable, the chakra can be strengthened.  

Yellow wakes me up in the morning.  Yellow gets me on the bike every day. Yellow has taught me the true meaning of sacrifice. Yellow makes me suffer. Yellow is the reason I am here.
~ Lance Armstrong

The Colour Green

Balance & Detox

The colour green is nature’s most healing colour and a balancing colour. It soothes, rejuvenates and cleanse our body. Nature is mostly peaceful for our mind as the colour green functions centering. Stress is reduced. Providing a calming base Green can assist with hope, new beginnings and love. Its detoxifying character is used to boost health with recovering from exhaustion. Overuse can lead to indecision.
The colour green is associated with the Heart Chakra. By implementing Green in your daily life the chakra's energy can be improved.   

Green yoga mat

The colour Blue

Calmness & Communication

The colour Blue is a cold colour. Cold colour are used to treat conditions that experience heat with the need of cooling like a bruised foot. Cold colours then calm and stabilize. With its relaxing effect, it can reduce stress, fear and frustration. Moreover, it boosts loyalty and honesty as the colour blue stimulates a free expression.
Blue can help treat anxiety, asthma or a sore throat for example.
The colour Blue is associated with the throat chakra. Surrounding yourself with Blue will strengthen the Chakra.

The colour Purple

Purification & Inspiration

Like Blue, the colour Purple belongs to the group of cold, calming colours. With its purifying properties, Purple is a good colour to aid self-love and inspiration. It can release tension and ease pain. Strengthen our spiritual side, the colour Purple would encourage meditation and silence. For the heart-broken: Purple can assist with healing your heart ache giving new hope to start again.
In therapy, it is common to treat infections, wounds and to decrease appetite.
Purple or Violet is mostly associated with the Crown Chakra, our access to higher awareness and spirituality.

Stress relief

Nowadays, life can get very busy and our speedy lifestyle challenges our inner balance. Realese tension and let go of negative thoughts – for a healthier life.

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